安德里茨集团总裁及CEO Wolfgang Leitner先生表示 : 今年我们将会把重点放在进一步进行集团的成本和组织架构调整及灵活化,以适应不稳定的市场环境和新产品的开发。
Wolfgang Leitner, President and CEO of ANDRITZ AG: The main focus this year will lie on further flexibilization and adjustment of the Group-wide cost and organizational structure in order to adapt to the unchanged, volatile market environment, as well as on developing new products.
首页 新闻 卡塞尔(无锡)科技有限公司组织架构调整
提到公司最近宣布的组织架构调整时,他说 : "作为以创造最高价值为目标而形成的价值联盟的一部分,我们未来做出的调整将会为动力总成以及其它事业部铺平道路,以期在将来赶超相关市场 。"
"Our future alignment is paving the way for Powertrain as well as the other divisions to continue to outpace our relevant markets in the future as well, as part of our values alliance for top value creation," he said, making reference to the recently announced realignment of the company.
In doing so, the Dax-listed company will continue to grow faster than its relevant markets and take full advantage of new potential for expansion in the key future areas of mobility.
所有可能影响员工的方案都是暂时性的,将视后续信息、根据相关法律与受影响员工及其代表的协商和用人单位的最终决定而定。 武田组织架构调整方案 一.
? Further, all plans that may affect employees are provisional and subject to appropriate information and consultations processes with affected employees and their representatives to the extent required under applicable laws, as well as the subsequent final decision of the employing entity.
深化改革,组织先行 - 东旭蓝天召开组织架构调整会议
After the dynamic growth in the early 1990 years and because of the world wide recession, the years after 1995 showed a phase of integration and consolidation in order to "digest" the new activities. In 1997 GEA Group is structured in nine Divisions.